Where to get coffee and fika on Kungsholmen
Publish date: 25 October 2024
Treat yourself with a fika and coffee on Kungsholmen. Here are some good options!
As in every district in Stockholm, the people living and working on Kungsholmen rely on regular coffee breaks to manage their day. And as such, Kungsholmen has its share of coffee shops and bars, with its espresso machines on standby and baked cinnamon buns, ready to serve fika guests.
Seeing as Kungshomen is mainly a residential district, most of its cafés, and restaurants for that matter, are located in the island's commercial area; between Frdhemsplan square to the west and the Stockholm City Hall to the east.
The largest concentration of cafés and eateries can be found along (or directly adjacent to) the streets of Hantverkargatan and Flemminggatan. Like Komet Café, Petite France and Il Caffé. There are a couple of outliers, though, located on the island's northwest side, like Bullar & Bröd and by: fiket.