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Botilda Bengtsson's New Life

Plats ikonKulturhuset Stadsteatern
Kalender ikon2 mar — 6 apr 2025
Foto: Leonard Stenberg

Teddy bears and dolls resist when Botilda divides them between the mummy box and the daddy box. Why do they have to move? In the puppet show ‘Botilda Bengtsson's new life’, Botilda’s parents move apart and everyday life becomes new. With imaginative scenography and lively puppets, you follow how Botilda, through play, friendship and a child's creativity, navigates new situations in her own way. Directed and written by Ivar Waldemarson based on Lilian Edvall's children's books. From 6 years.

Alla datum

2 mars
5 mars
6 mars

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Kulturhuset Stadsteatern

Sergels Torg

111 57


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