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Location iconFolkparken, Djurönäset
Calendar icon13 Jul, 19:00 – 21:00
DARIN1_Foto_Julia Kennedy.jpg
Photo: Julia Kennedy

The long-awaited and constantly current Darin will come to Folkparken on Djurönäset on July 13. Darin Zanyar has been a shining star in the Swedish pop sky ever since he won the very first silver spot in Idol in 2004. Since then, he has released 9 studio albums, sang at the wedding of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, created a flourishing career in Italy and won several Grammys. After the gig with Darin, you continue with the after party and DJ Raz Rasmus Lindvall.

All dates

13 July19:00 21:00

Folkparken, Djurönäset

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Seregårdsvägen 1

