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Elektronmusikstudion EMS – Art, Technology and Politics

Location iconScenkonstmuseet
Calendar icon21 Jul — 1 Sep 2024
The electronic music studio.
Photo: Gunnel Lundholm, EMS arkiv

This is the story of a utopian vision of the future, new technology that will save the world, and a major national initiative in electronic music. The legendary Elektronmusikstudion – EMS, the Centre for Swedish Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art – has attracted artists from around the world for 60 years. And now they are inviting you. Experience works by more than 30 artists, see parts of the original studio, and step inside today’s version with VR. On show 1 December 2023 to 1 September 2024,

All dates

21 July
22 July
23 July


Location icon

Sibyllegatan 2

