generic.category :Event
Pinocchio 2.0. Theater Show in Italian (Eng/Swe subtitles)
Stage & Film
Location iconFolkuniversitetet
Calendar icon16 Feb, 14:00 – 16:30
Following the sold-out success in November, Pinocchio 2.0 returns to the stage! Fun, live music, video projections, and emotions in a reinterpretation of Collodi’s classic. While remaining faithful to the original, this production will surprise, entertain, and spark reflection. Mangiafuoco, the Fairy, and all the other characters will return, though perhaps not quite as you remember them… In Italian, with Swedish and English subtitles. For more information, visit the link below.
All dates
Date | Time |
16 February | 14:00 – 16:30 |
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